Electricity into my lower back

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  • Post comments:14 Comments
  • Reading time:1 mins read
  • Post last modified:April 27, 2019

I woke up this morning and my back is completely out. I have a major back injury, and for the most part, I’m okay. Sometimes however, things can get bad, and significantly impact my ability to do just any anything.

Thankfully, Lizze is reviewing a portable tens unit and I’m currently zapping my lower back with jolts of electricity. That may sound bad, but OMG does it feel amazing.

Hopefully, this will losen things up and allow me to walk today.

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)

This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. mathewpenny648

    Rob, I love my TENS. And price-wise, you can always get replacements TENS units at MedicalProductsonline.org. The last couple or so I’ve gotten for under $35. When I got them from the doctor they were charging anywhere from $100 to $300. (Insurance helped but I still had a $100 out of pocket.)

    Nice thing about TENS is you can even wear it as you go. I’ve had jobs where I worked all day and it was running under my clothes.

    1. Rob Gorski

      Awesome. I’m going to do a write up on this because we discovered Emmett loves the input from the TENS.

  2. bwiren

    Rob, I love my TENS. And price-wise, you can always get replacements TENS units at MedicalProductsonline.org. The last couple or so I’ve gotten for under $35. When I got them from the doctor they were charging anywhere from $100 to $300. (Insurance helped but I still had a $100 out of pocket.)

    Nice thing about TENS is you can even wear it as you go. I’ve had jobs where I worked all day and it was running under my clothes.

    1. Rob Gorski

      Awesome. I’m going to do a write up on this because we discovered Emmett loves the input from the TENS.

  3. Stacy

    love love love my tens machine… it helps when nothing else does, including physio

    1. mathewpenny648

      Me too!

  4. adriannecollee

    Has your doctor ever prescribed PT for your back? I know you had an injury years ago, but that problem has been exacerbated over time by age and weight gain. A good friend of mine has degenerative disc disease, and weight management and exercise are just a way of life for him; same for my SO who has osteoarthritis in his spine. Extra weight and lack of activity are killers when it comes to any back, but especially one that has issues.

    1. Rob Gorski

      Walking is the only thing that’s ever worked. I did physical therapy in the beginning, but it never helped. The way my injury physically happened, my nerves were supposed to reroute themselves and the pain go away. Unfortunately, that never happened.

      I was supposed to have surgery but didn’t.

      You’re right about the weight and inactivity. Walking is the only thing that’s ever helped. Most of the time I’m so used to the pain, I don’t notice it. Unfortunately, there are times where something happens and I become very, very aware of the pain.

      I haven’t felt this much pain in almost ten years. I’m sick to my stomach, and not very pleasant to be around. Walking is okay, but sitting, lying or getting up from sitting or lying is excruciating.

  5. Stacy

    love love love my tens machine… it helps when nothing else does, including physio

    1. bwiren

      Me too!

  6. kimmy gebhardt

    Has your doctor ever prescribed PT for your back? I know you had an injury years ago, but that problem has been exacerbated over time by age and weight gain. A good friend of mine has degenerative disc disease, and weight management and exercise are just a way of life for him; same for my SO who has osteoarthritis in his spine. Extra weight and lack of activity are killers when it comes to any back, but especially one that has issues.

    1. Rob Gorski

      Walking is the only thing that’s ever worked. I did physical therapy in the beginning, but it never helped. The way my injury physically happened, my nerves were supposed to reroute themselves and the pain go away. Unfortunately, that never happened.

      I was supposed to have surgery but didn’t.

      You’re right about the weight and inactivity. Walking is the only thing that’s ever helped. Most of the time I’m so used to the pain, I don’t notice it. Unfortunately, there are times where something happens and I become very, very aware of the pain.

      I haven’t felt this much pain in almost ten years. I’m sick to my stomach, and not very pleasant to be around. Walking is okay, but sitting, lying or getting up from sitting or lying is excruciating.

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