So I took the family to see Car’s 2 today. We have been stuck in the same room together for the past few days due to the heat.
So the movie went pretty well for awhile. About half way through the show Emmett fell face first out of his seat and into the little knee wall and onto the floor.
He’s okay but he was understandably upset for a while. He ended up falling asleep on Lizze’s lap before the movie was over.
Poor Emmett, he had a rough time but aside from the fall, he enjoyed the part of the movie he actually saw.
Overall, a very positive experience.
– Lost and Tired
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We took our almost 3yr old Autistic son over the summer. It was his first movie- and luckily it was during the week b/c we were the only ones in there. He ran around and tried out I think almost every seat the entire time!
my autistic 2 year old did the same thing when we went to the movie with his 3 year old big brother and mommy, he wouldn't sit still unless he was sitting on my lap then boom he was asleep…
To bad they don\’t charge by the seat. We would both save a bit of money. 😉