I’ve been a bit stressed out today and I just started writing down everything going on inside my head. I thought maybe that would help me to….maybe…process them a little better. It turned into a list which tuned into this. Sometimes just writing down how you are feeling can go a long way towards feeling better.
I wish we could sleep through just one night.
I wish I knew how to better help my family.
I wish I could remove my wife’s pain and carry it myself.
I wish I had friends to get together with every weekend.
I wish I could just take the kids to the play ground.
I wish my wife and I had date night.
I wish my house was safer for the kids.
I wish we had more money.
I wish I wasn’t in pain every day.
I wish I could see a future for us.
I wish I could finally get the van fixed
I wish I had the luxury of drinking sometimes.
I wish my family understood just how bad things really are.
I wish people wouldn’t ALWAYS try to show us the silver lining.
I wish Emmett John could better communicate.
I wish Elliott Richard had friends to play with.
I wish Gavin would stabilize.
I wish I was a better husband and father.
I wish I had more to give.
I wish I could secure my boys future.
I wish I had the luxury of many other peoples problems.