Meltdowns are an almost daily occurrence on the good days and way more frequent on the bad ones.
Meltdowns can happen over the most unlikely of things and at the most inopportune times.
Last night we had a pretty major meltdown because we needed to replace Elliott’s comforter.
It’s this old Ohio State blanket and it’s not in good shape at all. Frankly, it’s falling apart and needs to be thrown away. We didn’t realize how attached to this blanket he was because when we made the switch, he lost it.
He doesn’t like change and the new blanket feels different than the old one.
Elliott was so upset that we ended up leaving the old blanket on the end of his bed in order to help feel more comfortable.
Never in a million years would I have thought he would have reacted to getting a new blanket like this but I guess now we know.
What’s the last thing your child had a meltdown over?