I’m really happy with my service call from @vivinthome today

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  • Post last modified:April 4, 2018

I mentioned that Vivint had to come out today to replace one of the cameras because it would no longer focus.  It’s the camera from Elliott and Emmett’s room, so I really wanted to get that fixed.

My usual tech wasn’t available, so I had someone else for the first time. He was also training someone, so there was a second tech here as well.

Both guys did a really good job and I was very comfortable with them in the house.  Having three kids with special needs, I get nervous when strangers come into the house because it can disrupt the day but everyone did fine.

Does it bother me that a camera stopped working? Sure it does.

That being said, it’s technology and sometimes this happens. My big concern is how a company handles these situations when it does happen. I’ve had some really bad experiences in the past and so I wait to judge until I see a company have to deal with a problem.
My appointment was setup right away and they arrived on time.  They were professionally dressed and carried themselves in a professional manner.

Their service trucks are very clearly marked and both techs had ID to confirm they were indeed from Vivint. They even called to give an exact time of arrival.

After swapping out the camera, they did a complete inspection of my system and discovered that one of the wireless deadbolts needed to be replaced as well.  They took care of that and didn’t miss a beat.

I’ve had people from Dish Network, Time Warner and others out to my house for service calls over the years. In all sincerity, service calls from Vivint have been the best.

Anyway, we’re back up and running.

I’m really happy and I feel like I could call about a problem in the future and know that it will be addressed.

It’s important to note that while I’m a brand ambassador for Vivint Gives Back, I made sure that I go through the same process that anyone else does.  I want to make sure that the experience is such that I would feel comfortable recommending and endorsing them to the Autism community.

I’m a customer who only pays $15/month because that’s what my income qualified me for through the Vivint Gives Back Project.

I feel like I’m treated the same way as a large business, who pays a great deal more every month and that’s something I really like.

If you’re interested in learning how you can implement this technology through the Vivint Gives Back Project, click here to be taken to my large write-up about the whole process.

Please feel free to contact me directly and I’ll answer any questions I can.

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)

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