Just a quick update 

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  • Post last modified:April 4, 2018

I only have a few minutes of quiet as I hide away in my room to preserve whatever sanity I may have left.  O_o

Today’s been a roller-coaster as there’s been many up and downs. We’ve had quite a few meltdowns and even kiddos who aren’t feeling well.  

Poor Gavin has been dealing with massive stomach pain this afternoon. It came out of nowhere but has finally subsided and he’s eating a little bit, without anymore pain.  

Then of course there’s Mr. Emmett..  

What challenging day isn’t challenging enough without throwing in a fever flare.  That’s rhetorical. Emmett’s breaking out with mouth sores, which are clearly very painful for him and driving his behavioral choices. 

These mouth sores only appear at the onset of a fever flare. So looks like we have ten days of unpleasantness a head of us.  😔

Lizze is pretty worn out from a really painful week of loving with Fibromyalgia.  The weather has not been her friend but she has pushed through each day and not given up.  I have so much respect for her because I can’t imagine how much pain she lives in and for her to keep moving is truly inspiring.. 

As for myself, I’m just a wee bit stressed out and overwhelmed.  I’ve been worse but at the same time, I’ve also been better.  

Lastly, Mr. Elliott has been very emotional today and this has led to several meltdowns because he’s just so overwhelmed by life at the moment. 

I’m debating on whether or not to at least offer a Pokémon hunt for the kids but I’m not quite sure that’s the best idea.  We’ve gone three days in a row..and going to bed a little early might be what ends up being best for everyone.  

That’s it for now.  More to come…. 

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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