I didn’t sleep well last night and so when the boys got up this morning, I was exhausted. I got up and moving around 6:30am, got the boys fed and medicated. Everyone did their own thing for a few hours and the house was actually pretty quiet.
I let Lizze sleep in this morning but eventually woke her up around 10:30am because I was beginning to succumb to exhaustion.
When Lizze got up, she sent me back to bed and I was able to grab a few hours worth of nap time.
For those unfamiliar with Autism Parenting, it’s fucking exhausting and I mean exhausting beyond comprehension. Sometimes the only option left is to sleep in shifts or take turns sleeping. It’s far from ideal but for parents like me, it’s often times our only option.
The time I spent as a single parent gives me an unbelievable amount of respect and appreciation for everyone that does this job on their own because human beings weren’t designed to function in this capacity.
Anyway, the point is that today is one of those days where we leap from through the day by taking turns sleeping.
While it’s certainly not ideal, I’m so grateful to have the ability to do this in the first place.