Right before dinner, Emmet clocked in at 103°F. I gave him Advil and that broke the fever for now. I’ll have to see in the morning.. I checked him around midnight and he was normal. The Advil should have worn off by now, so maybe it’s just gone.
We did end up going to see Dr. Pattie because as a family, we desperately needed it.
Emmett’s demeanor is pretty horrible and that leads both myself and Dr. Pattie to thinking this is another flare, rather than him actually being sick. There’s no other symptoms and this fits the pattern of his more recent fever flares.
The concerning thing is just that the fevers are getting higher and higher.
I’m probably totally jinxing myself but he went to bed peacefully and is sleeping.
He’s such a sweet kid and it really does become pretty obvious when he hits a flare because that sweetness sorta turns to piss and vinegar.. Lol