ABSOLUTELY AMAZING Doctors Appointment: You’ve got to see what happened today

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  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post last modified:April 6, 2018

Let me start off by saying that this will be a two-part post.  There’s simply too much to squeeze into one. 

This has been one of those days where exhaustion isn’t quite the right word to use in describe how tired I am. I’m completely spent, body, mind, and soul.

Today was our trip to Cleveland because Elliott, Emmett, and Gavin all had appointments with allergy and immunology. These were all basically follow-ups but Emmett was added to the schedule at the last minute because of the fever issues he’s been having.

It was a very long drive but the boys did really well.  I’m super proud of them. That’s not to say that they didn’t wear me out and drive me nuts but I’m proud of them nonetheless.  ☺

Their doctor used to be at Akron Children’s Hospital (which is a 20 minute drive) but a few years back she moved to a private practice about 80 minutes north.  She’s absolutely worth the follow and unless somethings wrong, it’s a trip the boys and I make roughly every 6 months or so.  The drive sucks but it’s worth it to keep them with their amazing specialist.

Everything went well and the only thing to come out of today’s appointments, was positive news.

The best news of the day is that Elliott will be stopping with his daily inhaler because he’s been doing so well that his doctor thinks he might not need it anymore.

We’re going to try without it for a few days and see how he does.  His emergency inhaler will remain on standby for when he’s sick or if he has any problems. This is so huge for Elliott because he hates his inhaler.

As far as Emmett’s fevers are concerned, we are sure what’s going on.  He had blood work done to rule a bunch of things out and now we just have to wait.

Gavin’s doing really well but I got the impression she’s thinking about increasing his IVIG dosage because he’s been sick more often lately.  We have to wait once again on the blood work from today.

As far as the bloodwork went, you’ll have to check out the follow-up post in a little while because what you see will absolutely amaze you.  The videos are still uploading and I’m not waiting for them to finish up, before publishing this post.

The rake away from today is that the boys did awesome.  Yes, they drove me absolutely bonkers but they were amazing today ☺💙

Check out the pictures and video below…. ☺

(I’ll post Gavin’s video tomorrow)


Tell me that isn’t the awesomeest thing ever.


Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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