The way insurance companies work is so backwards sometimes.
We’ve had plenty of times where rather than pay for a medication, they want you to try 3 others first. The kicker is that trying those 3 meds first almost always costs way more than just paying for the original medication in the first place.
This time however, the medication issue isn’t something that I even understand.
Gavin takes prescription sodium chloride tablets because of his autonomic dysfunction. It essentially helps prevent a crisis by forcing his body to retain water.
Gavin’s body doesn’t manage things properly. One of those things not properly managed is his circulatory system.
His vessels don’t constrict to maintain his blood pressure when he stands up, for example.
The sodium chloride forces his body to retain more fluids, thereby making it easier for his body to compensate without crashing.
These are absolutely medically necessary and Gavin’s been on it for years now.
I went to pick up his refill this week and out of nowhere, insurance is refusing to pay for it without a prior authorisation.
Gavin’s got half a days worth left and as of this evening, it still hasn’t been approved. I spoke with the Cleveland Clinic and they are working on it.
I don’t know why they did this and it’s really frustrating but everything that can be done is being done.
I’m going to talk to the pharmacy in the morning about an emergency supply. They should be able to do that.
For the record, there was no way to predict this was going to happen..
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I’m not sure this is available OTC but I got paid a few days early, so worst comes to worst I’ll just pay out if pocket. I’m not worried about that cost cause I can cover it now.
Thanks everyone… ☺
I’m not sure this is available OTC but I got paid a few days early, so worst comes to worst I’ll just pay out if pocket. I’m not worried about that cost cause I can cover it now.
Thanks everyone… ☺
I’m not sure this is available OTC but I got paid a few days early, so worst comes to worst I’ll just pay out if pocket. I’m not worried about that cost cause I can cover it now.
Thanks everyone… ☺
I’m not sure this is available OTC but I got paid a few days early, so worst comes to worst I’ll just pay out if pocket. I’m not worried about that cost cause I can cover it now.
Thanks everyone… ☺
Would something like this be available OTC? I don’t think this would be that expensive. Could you just pay out of pocket to be sure he has it?
Would something like this be available OTC? I don’t think this would be that expensive. Could you just pay out of pocket to be sure he has it?
Would something like this be available OTC? I don’t think this would be that expensive. Could you just pay out of pocket to be sure he has it?
Would something like this be available OTC? I don’t think this would be that expensive. Could you just pay out of pocket to be sure he has it?
That is so weird that they are requiring a PA on a drug that isn’t even controlled. I mean, it happens, obviously; That’s just so strange. That must be incredibly aggravating. But something so simple should be able to be covered with an emergency supply :/
That is so weird that they are requiring a PA on a drug that isn’t even controlled. I mean, it happens, obviously; That’s just so strange. That must be incredibly aggravating. But something so simple should be able to be covered with an emergency supply :/
That is so weird that they are requiring a PA on a drug that isn’t even controlled. I mean, it happens, obviously; That’s just so strange. That must be incredibly aggravating. But something so simple should be able to be covered with an emergency supply :/
That is so weird that they are requiring a PA on a drug that isn’t even controlled. I mean, it happens, obviously; That’s just so strange. That must be incredibly aggravating. But something so simple should be able to be covered with an emergency supply :/
I’m not sure this is available OTC but I got paid a few days early, so worst comes to worst I’ll just pay out if pocket. I’m not worried about that cost cause I can cover it now.
Thanks everyone… ☺
I’m not sure this is available OTC but I got paid a few days early, so worst comes to worst I’ll just pay out if pocket. I’m not worried about that cost cause I can cover it now.
Thanks everyone… ☺
I’m not sure this is available OTC but I got paid a few days early, so worst comes to worst I’ll just pay out if pocket. I’m not worried about that cost cause I can cover it now.
Thanks everyone… ☺
Would something like this be available OTC? I don’t think this would be that expensive. Could you just pay out of pocket to be sure he has it?
Would something like this be available OTC? I don’t think this would be that expensive. Could you just pay out of pocket to be sure he has it?
Would something like this be available OTC? I don’t think this would be that expensive. Could you just pay out of pocket to be sure he has it?
Sodium chloride tablets arent like a scheduled drug or anything, heck they might even have those at the pharmacy over the counter? They should at the very least be at a health food store. Maybe you can use that in a pinch if you can hit the right dosage?
We took them while detassling in the summer and Pioneer supplied them!
Sodium chloride tablets arent like a scheduled drug or anything, heck they might even have those at the pharmacy over the counter? They should at the very least be at a health food store. Maybe you can use that in a pinch if you can hit the right dosage?
We took them while detassling in the summer and Pioneer supplied them!
Sodium chloride tablets arent like a scheduled drug or anything, heck they might even have those at the pharmacy over the counter? They should at the very least be at a health food store. Maybe you can use that in a pinch if you can hit the right dosage?
We took them while detassling in the summer and Pioneer supplied them!
Sodium chloride tablets arent like a scheduled drug or anything, heck they might even have those at the pharmacy over the counter? They should at the very least be at a health food store. Maybe you can use that in a pinch if you can hit the right dosage?
We took them while detassling in the summer and Pioneer supplied them!
That is so weird that they are requiring a PA on a drug that isn’t even controlled. I mean, it happens, obviously; That’s just so strange. That must be incredibly aggravating. But something so simple should be able to be covered with an emergency supply :/
That is so weird that they are requiring a PA on a drug that isn’t even controlled. I mean, it happens, obviously; That’s just so strange. That must be incredibly aggravating. But something so simple should be able to be covered with an emergency supply :/
That is so weird that they are requiring a PA on a drug that isn’t even controlled. I mean, it happens, obviously; That’s just so strange. That must be incredibly aggravating. But something so simple should be able to be covered with an emergency supply :/
Sodium chloride tablets arent like a scheduled drug or anything, heck they might even have those at the pharmacy over the counter? They should at the very least be at a health food store. Maybe you can use that in a pinch if you can hit the right dosage?
We took them while detassling in the summer and Pioneer supplied them!
Sodium chloride tablets arent like a scheduled drug or anything, heck they might even have those at the pharmacy over the counter? They should at the very least be at a health food store. Maybe you can use that in a pinch if you can hit the right dosage?
We took them while detassling in the summer and Pioneer supplied them!
Sodium chloride tablets arent like a scheduled drug or anything, heck they might even have those at the pharmacy over the counter? They should at the very least be at a health food store. Maybe you can use that in a pinch if you can hit the right dosage?
We took them while detassling in the summer and Pioneer supplied them!