#Autism Parenting: Trying to break bad habits is very difficult

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  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:April 7, 2018

I’ve been talking lately about how Gavin has reverted back to pointing with his middle finger. This is something he used to do when he was younger but we finally moved past it and it’s been many years since he’s done this. 

Since this started up again, I’ve been trying to snag a picture of him doing this so I can show him what it looks like and why it’s a problem. 

I finally was fast enough today and while it’s a bit blurry, I think you’ll see what it is I’m trying to break him of doing. The only reason I even caught this image today is because he was doing this constantly throughout the day. 

He doesn’t realize he’s doing this but the world around him takes notice and I just don’t want him to find himself in trouble someday because people won’t understand. 


Gavin was pointing at the Xbox and asking to play it when I grabbed this picture.
I’m open to suggestions that don’t revolve around removing his middle finger. I’ve already thought of that and figured it wasn’t the best idea.. lol

Seriously though, I’ve thought about putting a bandage on his pointer finger or even painting his nail, as a means of physically reminding him which finger he should be using. 

I’m totally open to ideas here.. 😕

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)

This Post Has 33 Comments

  1. Guest

    My mother flatout told me what that meant in plain and direct English…I guess Gavin might forget though.

  2. Guest

    ::hugs:: I had a presumably NT Principal do that throughout at least one lecture in middle school. Good luck

  3. Guest

    Good answer Leigh Ann. And maybe reward him with an m&m or a little snack when he is doing it right. Good luck my daughter went through a phase like that when she was six. It was hard not to giggle. But I know it will get better. I think it’s a phase

  4. Guest

    I totally get it. Maybe when he points using his middle finger, ignore him, but when he uses his index finger, two or more fingers, you answer him? Just a thought, my son is a whiner (at 13) and we have to remember to ignore him when he whines cuz it just reinforces it.

  5. Guest

    My mother flatout told me what that meant in plain and direct English…I guess Gavin might forget though.

  6. Guest

    ::hugs:: I had a presumably NT Principal do that throughout at least one lecture in middle school. Good luck

  7. Guest

    Interesting. So many little things it might be nice to know the “why” behind.

  8. Guest

    What about having him use his whole hand or two fingers (like a flight attendant)? At least that way you don’t have to worry about someone taking the gesture the wrong way.

  9. Guest

    Ya know, I sorta feel like it might be but with me son, he stopped like 10 years ago and just recently started up again.

  10. Guest

    My son does is do. He is 8 now and has started doing it a little less. Is this a motor development thing?

  11. Guest

    My lil Girl does this tooU0001f338

  12. Guest

    Good answer Leigh Ann. And maybe reward him with an m&#038m or a little snack when he is doing it right. Good luck my daughter went through a phase like that when she was six. It was hard not to giggle. But I know it will get better. I think it’s a phase

  13. Guest

    I totally get it. Maybe when he points using his middle finger, ignore him, but when he uses his index finger, two or more fingers, you answer him? Just a thought, my son is a whiner (at 13) and we have to remember to ignore him when he whines cuz it just reinforces it.

  14. Guest

    My son does this also I thought it was unusual hmm

  15. Guest

    My mother flatout told me what that meant in plain and direct English…I guess Gavin might forget though.

  16. Guest

    ::hugs:: I had a presumably NT Principal do that throughout at least one lecture in middle school. Good luck

  17. Guest

    Interesting. So many little things it might be nice to know the “why” behind.

  18. Guest

    What about having him use his whole hand or two fingers (like a flight attendant)? At least that way you don’t have to worry about someone taking the gesture the wrong way.

  19. Guest

    Ya know, I sorta feel like it might be but with me son, he stopped like 10 years ago and just recently started up again.

  20. Guest

    My son does is do. He is 8 now and has started doing it a little less. Is this a motor development thing?

  21. Guest

    My lil Girl does this tooU0001f338

  22. Guest

    No help from me because my kids flip each other off all the time & know they shouldn’t be doing it! 🙂 For my kids it’s not un unconscious thing.

  23. Guest

    Good answer Leigh Ann. And maybe reward him with an m&#038m or a little snack when he is doing it right. Good luck my daughter went through a phase like that when she was six. It was hard not to giggle. But I know it will get better. I think it’s a phase

  24. Guest

    I totally get it. Maybe when he points using his middle finger, ignore him, but when he uses his index finger, two or more fingers, you answer him? Just a thought, my son is a whiner (at 13) and we have to remember to ignore him when he whines cuz it just reinforces it.

  25. Guest

    My son does this also I thought it was unusual hmm

  26. Guest

    Interesting. So many little things it might be nice to know the “why” behind.

  27. Guest

    What about having him use his whole hand or two fingers (like a flight attendant)? At least that way you don’t have to worry about someone taking the gesture the wrong way.

  28. Guest

    Ya know, I sorta feel like it might be but with me son, he stopped like 10 years ago and just recently started up again.

  29. Guest

    My son does is do. He is 8 now and has started doing it a little less. Is this a motor development thing?

  30. Guest

    My lil Girl does this tooU0001f338

  31. Guest

    No help from me because my kids flip each other off all the time &#038 know they shouldn’t be doing it! 🙂 For my kids it’s not un unconscious thing.

  32. Guest

    My son does this also I thought it was unusual hmm

  33. Guest

    No help from me because my kids flip each other off all the time &#038 know they shouldn’t be doing it! 🙂 For my kids it’s not un unconscious thing.

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