we are on snow day #3 and I am ready to just fall over and all it quits. The reality is that snow days happen but for families like mine they have amuch bigger impact. I love having the kids home but enough is enough already. The kids are at eachothers throats and Lizze and I got no sleep again because of whatever is going on with Emmett. We have 6 days to be ready for surgery and the following weeks.
There are things I simply need to have done in order to be to be able to do this on my own. Laundry needs caught up as well as the kitchen. I need to make sure the house is in decent shape so I can focus on other things. Quite a bit to do in a short amount of time.
The preparations required for anyone to have major surgery is significant. The recovery time also requires arrangements. However, when the person having the surgery is the mother to 3 Autistic kids and they suffer from extreme fibromyalgia the preparations required are enormous.
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