We have now taken physical damage. A large branch fell and ripped the power supply line right out of the side of our house. It trashed the siding and is now just hanging in our front yard. We haven’t lost power yet but now I have downed lines right across our front walk. Very dangerous…
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Hey bud, I just wanted to let you know I donated to your fund for your continuing struggle w/ autism. I'm in the process of moving in w/ my girl and we have to come up w/ $2800 next month and we both have crappy jobs as we work through our graduate programs, but every little bit helps, right? I will be donating in the future as well since my girl's nephew has autism and we are very aware of what goes with this. I'm sorry to hear about you selling your epic. Hopefully we as a community can help to get one donated to you. I'm considering leaving sprint as soon as a few phones for verizon come out so if I do, you've got my old one! Take care bud and keep up the great work, both as a developer and firstmost as a great father! One love!
I live over in salem.. i couldnt believe the ice we are getting if you guys gotta go anywere be safe today and tonight
Saying a prayer for your continued safety! Hang in there Lost and Tired family!!!