This #Autism Dad is setting a few goals for today

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  • Post comments:2 Comments
  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:May 18, 2014

I’m setting a few goals for myself today.  My plan is to accomplish a few things that will make a noticeable difference, while remaining realistic that life may interfer with making much progress.


Goals for today:

1) Fold, sort and put away the 4 laundry baskets of clothes that have been living in our front room for far too long. 

2) Take the kids to the park so Emmett can fly his kite. 

3) Scrub the bathroom down. 

4) Scrub the bathroom carpet.

I feel like these are realistic goals that I should be able to accomplish.  At the time of writing, I have already folded and sorted all the laundry, including the pairing of some 30 socks. 

Right now we are going to fly a kite with the boys and spend some quality time. 

I’m really motivated to get these things done.  Hopefully, I’ll be able to get the rest of this stuff finished up before dinner.  🙂

This site is managed almost exclusively from my Samsung Galaxy Note 3. Please forgive any typos as auto-correct HATES me. 😉

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Shelby Duchow

    I have atendency to throw all my clean laundry on my smaller couch. Well I finally cleaned it off and moved the couch. Lo and behold, I found about eight lost socks. It was very exciting.

    1. Lost and Tired

      Good for you and doesn’t feel awesome to find those matches? 🙂

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