Why I’m proud of myself today

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  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:April 22, 2014

So I’m really proud of myself today.  I was absolutely drained this morning after getting the kids off to school.

The weather was rainy and the last thing I wanted to do was go walking. 

That being said, I weighed myself and realized how much I’m benefiting from it and decided to push myself.

Here’s my workout from this morning…  #Fit4Autism


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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Raynette Jones

Good Job! Keep it up. I went to my regular doctor’s appt today and came home and put my weight and height into the bmi calculator and it says i am good. the problem is i really am about 15 to 20 pounds overweight, clothes are tight. ate a chochlate bunny lol. i really need to exercise. my son’s ivig went really well this morning. no bad effects. since he is 21 and nt i left him at the doctors so i could go to the dr. i got back about two hours later and he was just done. i told them on the phone when i made the appt i wanted him to have fluids before and after and for them to go slow which is like 4 or 6 hours (more like six). it was done in two. i was so mad. mad at the me for not staying and getting it done the way i wanted, mad at my son because we specifically talked about it for him to tell them, and mad at the staff as when i made the appt she suposedly wrote it in the chart to go slow. when i asked the nurse about it, she said they couldnt go slow unless the dr approved it. first of all don’t lie. it sounded like a lie. if there was a question when i made the appt she should have asked him then and made a note. i know they just want to get out of there on time and i understand but we were going to go slow, which was a little faster than his first ivig as i am trying to make sure he doesnt have any bad effects. i dont know who i am more mad at (over it now really).my son said he told them to be sure he gets iv fluids before and after but didnt tell them to go slow. he said he thought they knew. then i felt bad cause i told him i am sure he wasnt going to have any bad effects but if he did not to complain because i was mad he didnt do right. then he said “i dont ever complain”. which he doesnt which makes me feel bad because i said that. but he is the one that wants/needs to be able to go to the dr on his own as he does want to live on his own. he doesnt understand that this is part of being a grown up. he is prone to migraines and i didnt want him to get one or have bone pain. we talked about it but i guess he tuned me out. i would tune me out. good news he doesnt have a migraine or bone pain and said “see mom, all is good, i dont know why you got so mad”. How about it KILLS me to see him in pain and especially in pain that was not necessary. i know i am being over protective, but dammit, i dont go around trying to get things done a specific way just so I can drive myself crazy. good news is now we know he doesnt have to go slow. lol. had a phone interview today for a job sounded good i will know about a in person interview on friday. i have an in person interview on tomorrow as the phone interview went well about another job. if i get the job it starts on may 12th so i dont know yet how he will get to the ivig appt in four weeks. i will deal with it later have to get a job. emailed my food stamp guy to get him to try and help me since my food stamp lady cant seem to get my fax (or other peoples) and wont give me her email address to send the scan of where i did my six month update. so going on two months with no food stamps. two weeks no job. i am probably stressed about that. i will probably go now and eat the last chocklate bunny