Gavin has been melting down all morning. Then he cursed and so now, you guessed it, he will be having Oatmeal. I thought Oatmeal was retired for good but it is back out of retirement just for Gavin.
After the morning we suffered through with Gavin (and I know I’ll sound like a jerk) I can’t wait to give it to him. He hates oatmeal and thus it is the only consequence that works. And before you say “some kids respond better to praise and rewards” you need to read my older posts!
This is not praise and reward – this is called punishment and actually can be considered by most as a form of abuse. Giving it to him as a reaction to his behavior is not appropriate. It is also not effective no matter what you might believe. Be proactive, not reactive and practive positive support rather than being negative.
@june jones Gavin has reactive attachment disorder. He has to be handled this way. If it were just autism related, you would be right. However, I encourage you to educate yourself on relative attachment disorder. You’ll better understand where it is that we are coming from.