Why does Lost and Tired need help and what can you do?
As this site continues to grow and the volume of people being reached increases, the costs associated with simply staying online grow as well. I need your help to stay online and continue my mission of educating the world about Autism and Special Needs Parenting, I need your help to continue reaching out and helping other people through this site and the My Autism Help Forums.
There are quite a few ways that you can help me without having to actually donate money. Of course, monetary donations are always welcomed and are an easy and direct way of supporting this site. However, there are many ways in which you can help without the need to spend a single dime.
I’m not asking you to send any money unless you decide that’s something you feel you want to do.
What I am asking is that you help in one or more of the ways I’m about to highlight below. Most of these will not cost you anything more than a few seconds of your time. Please take a few minutes and see if there is anything you can do to help me keep this site going..
What can be expected as Lost and Tired grows?
1) More Giveaways
2) A much larger pool of people to connect with
3) Improvements to stability and performance of this site
4) Improvements and upgrades to the My Autism Help Forums
5) The addition of a My Autism Help app for iOS devices
6) A bigger platform for your voice and opinions to be heard
7) More reviews on apps for both Android and iOS
8) Much Much More
Ways to help the Lost and Tired continue to grow
1) Like’s and Share’s. This is a tremendous help and all you need to do is click on the Like or Share buttons located above the posts (see picture below). This helps because when you click Like or Share, you are sharing that post on Facebook and basically saying to your friends and family hey, check this article out and visit this site. I can’t explain just how big of a help it is when you use the social media sharing buttons.
2) Follow me on social media. One of the biggest and best ways you can help me is following me on Social Media. This is a not only a great way to receive the latest updates but it also makes it easier for my work to be shared across the web. Below are the main Social Media sites that I post regular updates to.
The easiest way to Follow me is to click the icon below and you will be taken to my profile page, where you can click and follow me.
3) Ads. This site contains ads that generate a small amount revenue. You never have to buy anything but if you stumble across an ad that has you interested, feel free to explore what they have to offer.
4) Like my Facebook Community page and join in the conversation. This is really easy to do and it really helps. By Liking my Facebook Community page you not only get to join in thought provoking conversation but you help my reach grow. You can find my Facebook Community Page here. To make this easier for you, I’ve embedded my page below and you can simply click the Like button to both Like and Join the page.
5) Affiliate links. Affiliate links are fantastic way to help this site support itself. Basically, you shop all your favorite online retails but do so through my special link. These links are provided by the retailers to track all traffic from my site and provide me with a commission from each sale.
6) Monetary Donations. If you feel so inclined you can simply donate. You can do so in one of two ways. First you can use PayPal, as that is the fastest, easiest and most secure. The second method is through the good ‘ol fashioned USPS. Using the postal service will have whatever you choose to send, received into our PO BOX.
Don’t use PayPal but still want to help?
Rob Gorski
P.O. BOX 8272
Canton, Ohio 44711
Easy breezy to do, went on New Egg and got a charger i needed. Thanks for letting us know,I will spread the word.
Thanks Val. I thought this would be a great way to help support this site. People do the shopping they would be doing anyway. 🙂
Thank you that is very helpful information. I want to do everything I can
Thank you. I want to help as many people as I can 🙂
Well you are doing a great service and should be commended. Job well done
Thank you 🙂