I need your thoughts and prayers

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  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post last modified:October 16, 2013

As you may or may not know, I suffered a major back I jury in 2001. The injury requires surgery to fix and because of how complicated our lives are, surgery was a risk I wouldn’t take.  I simply played through the pain.

I did so for over 10 years. 

I can’t begin to describe the amount of pain I was in for so long, except to say that I experienced some pretty dark times and it got to the point that I wanted to end my life. 

When I began about 2 years ago, I finally experienced relief.  I’ve been doing pretty well since. 


This past weekend, I knelt down to take a picture with my grandmother, while at my Dad’s surprise birthday party.  That was all it took to throw all the progress I’d made away.

Since last Saturday, things haven’t been going well for me. I’m at the point that I can’t even walk without my legs giving out.  The pain is so bad that I feel like I’m going to vomit. This isn’t a good thing and I ask that you would please keep me in your thoughts and prayers. 

Typically, these bouts of pain only last a few days to a week. However, I’ve not experienced this level of pain since I first incurred the injury.

I need all the positive thoughts I can possibly get. 

This site is managed almost exclusively from my Galaxy S4. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. 😉

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Rosie Calabro

I am so sorry that you are in pain it sounds like you guys have so much on your plate all the time. I wish you a speedy recovery. Really love your page and the questions you ask. My thoughts and prayers are with you all

Luisa Guerrero

Ah also i do a very warm bath tub with Epsom Salt for the longest i can 30 minutes to 1 hour every day. If i cant i put a very warm moisten small tower with epsom salt. And it helps a lot. It will relax Ur muscles and even calm u as a relaxing therapy. Hope u try it.

Luisa Guerrero

Back Exercises and inside a pool may help. If u have sometime. Wish u all the best and that u can get help soon. I have back problems too and always putting hot ointments on my body

Luisa Guerrero

All will get better… Enjoy every day with a smile


Hope you feel better soon. And try to take it as easy as you can.

Raynette Jones

thoughts and prayers are with you and for you and your family


Prayers headed your way.  🙁  I’ll send healing energy too if I have your permission to.  Every little bit helps, right?  Feel better.

Gail-Anne Bobik

You are in my thoughts Rob(as your family usually is, but today they are directed to you). They say if enough people were to generously direct the power of good thought in one direction great things could happen. Here's to that for you today! >>gentle hugs<<


Oh, Rob. I have spinal issues, too. Mine are in the cervical spine. It is not uncommon, for those of us in the trenches, to have catastrophic health issues. The human body was not designed to endure the endless physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual strain that is our reality. The condition of my spine hangs in a very delicate balance. Even a minor traffic accident could sever my spinal cord. But, I cannot live in a state of fear. I absolutely cannot and will not try to live without the presence of God fully in my life.  Every time I get into my van, I just trust God to envelope me in a bubble of protection…and I keep my eye on everyone else on the road! I do not have control over so much in my life, but when I relinquish control to the God I worship, it is my only relief. I do not know how many families (like mine and yours) make it without a Higher Power. I literally do not have the strength within me to endure the endless trials. I know the  kind of pain you are talking about, and I know the incredible “load of responsibility you carry” at all times. I have no practical way to help you ,but, I can pray. When we are weak, He is strong. I pray for relief from the pain, for the opportunity to heal, for the boys and your wife to have a good week, and for you to experience the peace that is only possible when we are in the hands of the Great Healer.  From you fellow NE Ohioan, transplanted to the Deep South, Lisa