This morning was another eye opener for Lizze and I both. We realized just how far gone Gavin is and it’s heartbreaking.
While he was getting ready for school this morning, he needed clean school pants.
Lizze told him that his pants were on the back of the couch, next to Elliott’s. Gavin went to look for his pants and couldn’t figure out which ones were his. Now Gavin’s got about 2 feet on Elliott and so their pants are clearly different. Still, he couldn’t determine which were his.
We had to walk him through figuring out the difference.
This is really concerning for us and something that makes us realize just how bad he’s getting. My heart broke this morning.
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DawnWilliamsCollums @maxnzacsmommy Thank you very much 🙂
oh, that makes my heart hurt for all of you. I hope you are able to find answers and some measure of peace.
AspieWriter Lost_and_Tired I feel for this family.
I am sorry for this setback. It is so hard to see them slip. In fact, its our worst nightmare. I hope that it changes for you. In the meantime, our positive thoughts and prayers and love are certainly with you.