Pictures from my special Dad’s breakfast at my kids school

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  • Post last modified:June 4, 2013

Breakfast with Gavin and Elliott this morning went really well.  We had pancakes and got to sit together and eat.

Gavin was in his own world but Elliott talked to me.  🙂

It was really cool because it was like every 5 seconds, someone was saying hello to one of the boys.  They have a lot of friends, especially Elliott because he’s a little more comfortable in social situations than Gavin is. 

We had a great time and then I walked Elliott to his classroom and Gavin ran off to his. 

I’m sad because Gavin is so detached from everyone and I remember the times long ago, when it wasn’t that way.

Either way, this was a great way to start out the day and I’m so grateful for the school putting this together and opportunity to spend some more time with my kids.  🙂




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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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I’ve noticed that Gavin’s hair is always shaved/short when he’s with you, but it was longer when he was with his grandparents.   Does he do this to be more like you?   (If so, that’s very sweet)