Of course we will cooperate

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  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post last modified:June 1, 2013

With everything that’s gone down since yesterday, Lizze and I have had time to think about what’s going on. 

Despite my initial reaction of complete shock, to having child protective services show up at our door, we will fully cooperate with this investigation. 

Because of just how…..well……ironic the allegations are, it may be possible that once they speak with Dr. Patti, this will simply go away. 

Dr.  Patti carries a great deal of klout where we live and she’s behind us 110%.

Once she is able to speak with them and confirm that we actually spend a great deal of time at the doctors, I’m hoping that we will be able to clear this up without dragging my very sensitive special needs boys into it. 

The way I see things right now is this. 

The 2 social workers that showed up the other day, we’re very nice and treated me with respect.  They left without giving me a hard time and simply asked that I call them back and make arrangements. 

The bottom line is that everyone involved, with the exception of the person that made the call in the first place, wants what’s best for the boys. 

Should we have to go through this violation of our right to privacy? Absolutely not. 

Having said that, I can’t fault them for doing their job. Thankfully, this will be easy to clear up, at least it appears that way.

Once they start speaking with our support team, it will become clear that this was a spite call, made by a sad, pathetic person, who’s life is so small that they need the excitement of creating drama, just to get through the day. 

When this is over, I will request that the results of the investigation be put into writing, with a copy being made available to myself as a reminder of all that we have overcome.


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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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AMDuser BrandyLewis thank you both for your support and for sharing your stories. 🙂


Ironic isn’t it. We had our own CPS scare last year. Someone at the school who doesn’t know our boys or our family saw a scab on my autistic sons back. They decided it looked like a cigar burn and reported it. We will never know who  it was, but suspect it was a substitute teacher. Anyways they interviewed my sons, at different schools, and took photos, all without my knowledge. We only found out as they needed to interview us. Everything was cleared up when a physician determined that it was indeed a small rug burn from a tickle fest my husband and son had had. It was scary, never racking and all the harder because my son couldn’t tell them what it was because of his verbal skills. I’m glad CPS is out there, and I understand they have a important job to do, but the excessive calls and spit calls irritate me because there are so many families where children really do need their help and then people go waste their time over nothing.


Rob you should give them the link to your blog to were they can read how much you go through lol. When it comes to CPS go along with it because CPS can make you go through living hell which is sad but true from that I heard about them and some of the stories of people dealing with them.
here is an example http://www.squidoo.com/cps-doesnt-know-a-good-family-from-a-bad-one of how bad it was in the case in the link