Please support Lizze’s #Mamavation Mom Application!!!

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  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post last modified:March 7, 2013

MamavationSo I belong to a mommy blogging community that focuses on supporting moms in a sorority fashion while we try to change or lives and get healthy is accepting applications for their Mamavation Mom Program. The program is 7 weeks long and supports selected moms through the use of pedometers, heart rate monitors and diet changes to get healthy and lose weight. This is going completely outside of my comfort zone, but…

♥★♥★♥★♥★♥★♥★I’ve applied for the program!♥★♥★♥★♥★♥★♥★

I want to do this. BAD. Really, really bad! I’ve done my part. I filled out my application. I filmed my application video, with Rob’s help. I turned it all in.


Now, I need your help.

If you have a Twitter account please tweet the following post:

Hey @bookieboo! I want (@fibromamaby3) to be the next #Mamavation Mom. She has my support!

If you’re on Facebook account and are my friend, please post the following post (making sure to tag me – if you don’t type my name yourself it won’t show up):

Hey @bookieboo! I want (@Elizabeth Gorski) to be the next #Mamavation Mom. She has my support!

If we aren’t friends on Facebook yet, but you’d like to support me please send me a friend request so we can fix that because I’d love to be friends with you. (Really, I would! I love to make new friends, online. 🙂 {lol}) Then after we are friends, please post the message above.

This part of the application process is important for me to show that I have friends and family online who love and support me. That you support my decision to get healthy and will be there for me when things get hard.

Please help me hopefully get accepted. This really does mean a lot to me.

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Wow this is amazing! It’s a great read! I learned something new today.


Lost_and_Tired Good Luck Lizzie!


Tweeted!  🙂


OnyxPanthyr thank you 🙂

