Operation Haircut: Complete Success

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  • Post last modified:January 18, 2013

I mentioned earlier that we were going to take the boys to get their hair cut.  I also mentioned that doing so, doesn’t always go over very well. 

As I would imagine at least some of you have experienced first hand, haircuts for a child with #Autism can be very challenging. 

I’m pleased to share with you all that our mission to get their hair cut was a complete success.

The boys did absolutely perfect. 

They sat there, watching TV and tolerated the process quite well.  They really dislike getting their hair wet and flinched each time their hair was sprayed. However, again, they did amazingly well and Lizze and I are so proud of them both. 

As promised, I have a few pictures to share.





Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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