Lizze only drives on the rarest of occasions anymore. This means that if she needs to be somewhere, I’m usually driving her. She stepped away from driving last year because her migraines were just too bad.
Today she had another appointment and Emmett and I had to take her there and wait.
Emmett and I waited in the car because Emmett’s way to much of a handfull to actually wait in the office.
The appointment lasted almost an hour and a half. It was a really long hours and a half, trust me.
We did make the best of it though. We played eye spy, sang songs, listened to the radio, played hide and seek and pretended we were sleeping. He did really well, especially considering how long we waited.
I was able to spice things up with Netflix and Ultimate Spiderman.
It took a great deal of energy to keep Emmett entertained. It’s not always easy but it does tend to be fun. Today was no exception.