It’s been a little while, but I wanted to touch base and bring you all up to speed. The boys are both back in school; however, there have been some hiccups. Emmett is thriving in the new environment. He’s making friends and even trying out for the bowling team. That’s all hugely positive, and frankly, I’m relieved because I was concerned about how he would take to the mainstream environment.
Unfortunately, Elliott’s experience is very different. Elliott struggles with pretty significant social anxiety, and I didn’t realize how much it was impacting him. He experienced anxiety at his old school, and there were less than 100 kids in the entire high school. His new high school has roughly 2000 kids, and Elliott is drowning in a sea of anxiety-inducing humans. He’s struggling, and it’s impacting his mental health.
I spent a large part of this past week meeting with his therapist, and guidance counselor at the school. We’ve decided that it’s in his best interest to transfer him to the school’s online academy. We’re waiting for everything to be processed and approved, but it shouldn’t be a problem.
I’m not super thrilled with this change but I need to meet him where he is. Part of being a parent is being flexible. It’s not his fault and while it does change the path ahead, we’ll figure it out. The important thing is to findhim some relief and get his education back on track.

The somewhat frustrating/overwhelming part about this is that I’m still trying to figure out everything Gavin needs and now I have to briefly pause that while I deal with Elliott’s situation, because it’s the immediate need at the moment. Thankfully, what Gavin needs requires some research and waiting for appointments. I can at least address that part of it and take advantage of the wait to deal with Elliott’s current situation.
Outside of that, things are going well. Work is crazy busy, which is a good but sometimes overwhelming thing. I’ve kinda hit a wall with the home renovations but looking to reignite that fire very soon. I’m pretty much done with the remaining few things in the living room and that feels really good. I don’t have a flare for decorating and had to rely heavily on the help, suggestions, and influence of others to get where I am. I’m on my own now and need to figure this stuff out on my own.
I do have a better sense of the direction I want to go in though. I’m really excited about putting the office/studio together. That will be such a postive thing and I can’t wait to get started. I think I’m actually going to be ordering paint this coming week.
The other thing I really want to focus on is my writing. The podcast is doing well and my goal of significant, passive revenue is being realized. Things are going well and I’m able to put more focus on writing and social media again. I miss engaging with everyone, and helping parents. I really want to get more directly involved again. We’ll see how it goes.
Anyway, I hope life is treating you well and that this finds you not forgetting to take care of yourself.