We’re in a pretty good place

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  • Reading time:4 mins read
  • Post last modified:June 3, 2022

I’ve had a really good day today. I re-entered the land of people who practice self-care and that feels so good. Basically, I went back to the gym after a month long hiatus. Working out is such a positive thing for me, both emotionally and physically. I wasn’t making it a priority in my life and I wanted to change that today.

When I got home from working out, I felt really good. I had a smoothie and hung out with Gavin and Ruby for a bit.

Gavin was lost in a game and Ruby has the deer in the headlights look on her face. Lol

The boys seemed to have a good day as well. Gavin got his new glasses. Huge thanks to his grandparents for spearheading that for me. I always appreciate the help.

I had a shorter work day because my interview for today was rescheduled due to COVID. I’m hoping they have a speedy recovery, cause I’m looking forward to this conversation.

Everyone has their ups and downs but honestly, I feel like I’m in a good place. It’s all about building up from here, if that makes sense. I was stressed out about the ADHD stuff, but I feel like I’ve worked through that. That knowledge only serves to help me, and doesn’t have a downside at all. I needed a minute to wrap my head around it.

This is our first week of summer break, and I need to come up with some kind of routine. I’m working a lot more lately, and the kids don’t always remember that. There’s so many advantages to working from home but the downside is maintaining the work – life balance. I’m setting hours for myself, and working with the kids to leave me alone during those times, at least as much as possible. It’s a work in progress. Lol

Elliott is going to be starting a summer job, at least on a trial basis. Gavin is looking for something similar as well. Emmett is making plans to hang out with his friends, and I’m going to keep working on myself.

Aside from having to drive everyone, everywhere, this should be manageable summer because my schedule is flexible. I’ve got a pretty good system in place for managing the podcast side of the business, and it seems to be working well so far.

I think we just need to find our groove, and we’ll be good to go.

I’m going to bed early tonight. I’m walking early in the morning, and then hitting the gym. Gavin and Emmett have appointments in Cleveland in the afternoon. I have to go grocery shopping, and write out a script for one of the projects I’m working on. It’s supposed to storm all day but if it’s nice, maybe I’ll take the kids to go for a short hike. It’s been a little while and I need that back in my life.

The bottom line is that we’re good. There was a time when I wasn’t able to say that. I appreciate the progress, and I’m grateful to be where I am.

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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It’s truly amazing to see how far you and your boys have come. I’m assuming your boys are able to be on their own while you go to the gym, Elliott getting a job, Emmett hanging out with friends, your new positive attitude, truly remarkable from a few years ago and good on all of you!! I have seen this COVID pandemic change so many people in a negative way (including myself for a while anyways, but I’m digging my way out) but the 4 of you have just gotten stronger!! Way to go you guys!!