My first meeting today was rescheduled and frankly, it worked out for the best. Emmett hasn’t been feeling well and was hanging out in my room while I was working. I still have a few more meetings to get through today but Emmett’s feeling a little better.
I don’t know know about your kids but if my kids have an upset stomach, they assume they’re going to puke. They can get so worked up that they actually will puke when they probably, otherwise wouldn’t have. The trick to avoid this, in my expression, is redirection. Autism parents have to master the art of redirection, and it is an art form. Thankfully, my kids are older and manage much better but redirection is still very helpful at times. Today was one of those times.
Emmett was distracted by some Slime Ranger on the Switch for a little while. I was able to get some things done and he was able to benefit from the redirection.

I’m curious, what do you find works best for redirecting your kids? Video games? TV? Toys? Please leave your thoughts below. ☺