It’s been a really long day and I’m physically and emotionally drained. At the same time, it’s been a good day as well. We overslept a bit this morning but I got the kids to school on time. The boys are doing pretty good and I’m always grateful for that. Gavin’s doing well and he helped me around the house today.
I was able to get the bulk of my work load done earlier this week, so I’m trying to get the house caught up while I have the time. Work is actually going great and I finished the Temple Grandin podcast episode for next Monday. I’m so excited and can’t wait for you to hear it.
I had some running around to do before I spent the morning/afternoon painting outside. I still have a few things left to get done but I’m almost there.
The city is cracking down and making people address paint issues on their property. I get it and it’s not a bad thing in theory but it’s kind of annoying. They started this last summer and it’s all stuff I was doing anyway, this is just a little extra motivation to get it done I guess. I tend to work better when I’m on a deadline.
Anyway, it’s looking pretty good. I painted the garage door and part of the back porch today. The city wants people to repaint anything that has paint peeling. Most of my house is vinyl siding, so there’s not too much that needed done.

It felt good to make progress today. I have maybe two hours of work left to do but I need the weather to clear up first. Hopefully, next week.
I was also able to get some yardwork done as well. I want to get the wildflowers planted soon and I have a shit-ton of seeds to plant. They did so well last year, I can’t wait to see them again this year. I’m going to put them all around the house.
While I can still get frustrated with my house, I am making progress. It’s not as fast as I’d like sometimes but I’m trying to balance quite a few things. At the end of the day, life is improving and that feels pretty damn good. It’s important to sometimes look back to see how far you’ve come. Even slow progress is still progress.
I’m going to call it a night. I do have work to get done in the morning. I have a bunch of interviews scheduled in the next week or so and I have a ton of prep work for them.
Have a great night and please remember to follow me on Instagram. I’m locked out of Facebook again. I’m doing a bit more in IG, and you don’t want to miss it. ☺