It’s been a long week, especially with the kids being sick on and off for the last two weeks. I didn’t get a break last weekend because they were sick. I was feeling burned out, overwhelmed, and frustrated. I feel like that’s pretty normal considering and also temporary because life gets better.
I woke up this morning feeling really good. I slept so well last night and apparently checked all the boxes.

The boys were supposed to visit their mom today but because they still are a bit under the weather, it’s been rescheduled for a later date. While I could use the break, I get it and it is what it is. No biggie.

I’ve spent the morning responding to emails and working on projects I’m involved with. I’m moving a little slower today but I’m still getting stuff done and that’s what matters. I have some shelving coming in that will help to finish off the remodel of my temporary office and I’m excited to see how this all turns out.
While on the topic of work, I made the decision to move back to my old podcast host and have just completed the migration. If you notice any problems, please let me know. I’ve been staring at this for too long and while I think I got everything, I may have missed a few things.
I’m looking forward to getting back into the swing of things. It’s been a rough few weeks for the podcast. I had to replace the computer which set me back a bit and then took on the quick remodel of the space I’m currently using. I had help with that and I’m totally grateful. I’ve not always been good at letting people help me but I’m working on it and really enjoying taking on projects together. ☺
Anyway, the only thing I have left to really address in my setup is my chair. The chair I’ve been using has been a nightmare and has been broken since the day it arrived. I think I’ve vented about that before but I’ve largely let it go because it wasn’t worth the hassle. I do need to find a replacement, I just don’t know what I’m looking for yet.
I’m going to focus on the things I have control over today. Continue making progress and reinvest in some selfcare. I’ve been slacking a bit in that area lately.
Have a great Friday and I’ll be in touch.
Rob, it doesn’t seem too long ago that almost every week was really challenging for you and your boys. So while a less good week isn’t fun, I’m glad that generally things seem to be on an upward swing for you all.