I’m attending the @SpringbrookBHS National Converge #Autism Summit on April 28th and 29th

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  • Post last modified:May 30, 2022

I’ve been talking about a few of the projects I’m working on or involved with but I’ve been holding off talking about this one in particular, until the time was right. Well, the time has arrived and I’m really excited to share this information with all of you.

I’ve been invited to the National Converge Autism Summit, put on by Springbrook Autism Behavioral Health, in Greenville, South Carolina. The summit will be held on April 28th & 29th.

There’s an amazing lineup of keynote speakers. Dr. Temple Grandin, a pioneer in the field of autism will be there, as well as Ron Suskind, Pulitzer Prize-winning author, journalist, and filmmaker.

I will be conducting on site interviews for the podcast with Dr. Temple Grandin, Ron Suskind, as well as few other people. It’s a tremendous honor to be asked to do this and I can’t wait to meet everyone.

The two-day autism summit will be attended by professionals, teachers, parents and caregivers who get a chance to meet and discuss educational, therapeutic, social and psychological topics related to autism. This is all about learning how to better support our autistic loved ones and that’s something very important to all of us.

On a personal note, this will be my first autism summit that I’ve attended in person. It’s kinda surreal actually. I’m excited to not only meet some absolutely amazing human beings but also gain some experience, insights, and connections that will help me to better support the neurodivergent people in my life.

For more information about the summit, please visit www.convergeautism.com or Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram @springbrookbhs. The 2022 National Converge Autism Summit in Greenville, South Carolina. Tickets are on sale now.

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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