It’s been a long, emotional couple of days for me and I’m exhausted but feeling better. Sometimes personal growth can be a bit more challenging and it forces me outside of my comfort zone. While it can be unpleasant in the surrounding moments and take some adjustment on my part, it’s ultimately a good thing. This is especially true when learning to navigate new things for the first time. I’m a big fan of personal growth and sometimes it can be uncomfortable but it makes me a better person in the end. I know the people in my life deserve the best I have to offer.
I woke up today feeling really good and highly motivated to keep pushing forward with what I know I can do. I have people who believe in me but I also believe in myself and that matters. I so grateful to be where I am and I look forward to get where I’m going.
The kids visited their mom last night for a little while and were in a good mood when I picked them up. We’ve come so far over the last couple of years and I feel like the kids are in a much better place in life. It was admittedly a bumpy but the kids have accepted the reality of their situation and moved forward. They’re so much happier now.

I think it takes time for kids to find a path forward when something life altering occurs. Kids on the spectrum can have a much more difficult time moving forward as they will often resist change. Love and patience is needed to help them get through it. Oh…and therapy. Therapy is a big help as well.
The morning was a bit challenging because Emmett lost the splint for his finger and needed it before he could go to school. His frustration was a bit more intense because he misplaced his phone yesterday and is still unable to find it. Misplacing the splint just added to the mix. He handled it well and we found a solution.
I spent the early morning trying to find a replacement but everywhere I went, they were either still closed or sold out. I finally found one at Rite Aid and it happened to be the very last one in stock, so we were lucky. Emmett kept apologizing to me because he felt like he really screwed up. I explained to him that while I’m frustrated, I’m not mad at all. I told him that he needs to do a better job of keeping track of his things but there are things in life that I’m working also. We should always strive to do better and as long as we’re making progress, that’s what matters in the moment.
I got him to school about 30 minutes late but I called ahead of time and explained. To be completely honest, the new splint works out much better for him and it’s held in place by a soft, stretchy velcro band. That means no more tape. My God, we’ve already gone through several rolls of tape in the last week. The whole thing is a sensory nightmare for him as he’s always fidgeting with it. He’s happier and more comfortable now. Sounds like a win win to me.
I’ve managed to get a ton of things done this morning that needed to be done. I’m going to be going for my walk this afternoon before getting the kids from school. I’m going to spend the rest of the day working but might try to sneak in a workout. I have a few meetings between today and tomorrow. It’s important to me that I hit the ground running in 2022. I have so many opportunities right now and the more I can get things organized, the better prepared I’ll be. I want to next year to be a year of continued growth and new found success. I know I can do it because I’ve done it before.
I’m enlisting some help because another set of eyes can be incredibly beneficial. I need someone I trust to look things over and provide me with honest feedback. I have the perfect person and I’m so grateful they’re willing to help me.
I’m fantastic when it comes to helping others but terrible when it comes to letting others help me. This is something I’m aware of and actively working through. At the end of the day, I’m a flawed human being but I learn and grow because I’m open to learning and growing. I’m constantly evolving and becoming a better human being. I deserve that and so do the people in my life.
In my view, we’re all works in progress and it’s not where we’ve been that matters, but rather where we’re going that does. Even baby steps in the right direction is progress and I’m going to keep making progress.