I wanted to pop in and let you know I’m still breathing. It’s been a minute but it’s not because something is wrong. Quite the opposite actually.
The boys are doing great and Gavin is continuing down the path to independence. I’m so proud of everyone because we’ve emerged from such a dark time in our lives, and we’re living our best lives.
As for me, I’m doing great as well. I’ve come such a long way and while I’m tired, I absolutely love my life. I have some amazing opportunities with work, and I’m even planning a trip for next year. I’ve reinvested in balancing my public and private life, which is why I don’t share everything that’s going on. I’m in a very healthy, rewarding relationship, and I feel incredibly lucky. I will admit to slacking on my diet and I’m sliding a bit backwards. That said, I’m recommitting to better choices. It’s all good because I allow myself my imperfections now and rather than beat myself up over them, I simply make the changes required to get back on the right track.

Life is not perfect but that’s okay. I’m making lots of progress in many areas of my life and that’s a good thing. I’ve mentioned this before but we’re going to be repainting the a good portion of the inside of my house this winter. I’ve also decided to reclaim my office and utilize it for work purposes. I need a seperate space for work related things. I’m also going to turn it into my studio for recording as well. I’ve got some ideas how I can do that and I have some help. I’m excited to get this going.
Anyway, all is well on my end. My life is simply evolving and evolving for the better. I’m learning to navigate a bunch of new things and there is sometimes a learning curve. Something else that is a bit different is that I’m spending more time on social media because it’s easier to engage with all of you beautiful humans. If you’re not already following me on social media, all my links can be found here.
I hope the start to your week is a good one.
So,glad you and the boys are doing good.
Great news!
Thank you. ☺