We begin a new week that will hopefully include Emmett returning to school. He was not thrilled to have school closed for a week, when he was only two days into the new school year.
My day began with a wonderful early morning walk, and some great conversation. It’s really weird not going to the gym right now but I’m thrilled be at least be able to take these walks. I’m planning a hike for this weekend and I’m very much looking forward to that.
I’m healing well from surgery and my stitches get removed on or around the September 8th. I can’t wait to put all of this behind me and continue moving forward.

I’ll be starting the week with a day full of meetings and I’m looking forward to getting back into the swing of things. I realize that my job is a little unconventional with some definite downside but at the same time, it affords me many advantages as well. There’s a good bit of flexibility in my schedule and I’m very grateful for that because it let’s me set my own hours, work from pretty much anywhere, and I can easily move things around so I can be there for the people I love.
Speaking of work, there will be a new episode released this coming Friday on the podcast and I have several interviews scheduled for this week and next. My goal is to get back to weekly releases and capitalize on the significant growth the pod is continuing to experience. I need to create a better, more efficient work flow for production and I think I have a solution. I’m going to try and get that setup for this week and see how it goes.
Anyway, I’m still working on getting myself back into writing more meaningful content. Right now I’m also working on getting caught up and so there’s value in me writing anything at the moment. The value is more on my end because I’m going through the motions, even if it’s just a general update.
This week is going to really be the first week that I can begin building my new daytime routine. The boys will be in school during the day and I want to get the bulk of my workload done during school hours. It’s going to be an adjustment and require me to strike a new balance. I’m confident I will be able to find an equilibrium that works and move forward.
The boys are in a great mood and ready to take on the week. That makes my life a whole lot easier. Plus, I like seeing my kids happy and they are definitely happy.
Have a great week folks.