Woke up today feeling pretty good and eager to go for a walk. I was up long before everyone else and I’m sitting in my living room, enjoying the quiet.
I’ve been preaching about self-care for years because it’s so vitally important. I try to focus on self-care in my own life on a daily basis. There are times however, where I experience these moments of clarity, and today was one of those moments.

It’s not that I don’t recognize or appreciate the importance of self-care, but today as I sat on my couch, in total silence, I was very much in the moment. The peace and quiet was captivating. I appreciated being able to hear my own thoughts, without all the usual distraction.
It was a fantastic way to start the day. I was just talking to someone about this recently. I used to be so uncomfortable with silence. If someone was quiet, I always felt like something was wrong and it would freak me out. Arguably, that does hold true sometimes, but that doesn’t mean that silence is a bad thing.
I’ve been learning to appreciate silence and not always assume it’s a sign that someone is upset. Honestly, why can’t people just exist in silence sometimes? We don’t always have to speak. It’s okay to just be….
I’m learning to just be. It’s a work in progress but but having the ability to simply be present is a positive thing. I typically have a lot to say and I feel like being able to be present in the moment, without a need to always be talking, but rather appreciating who I’m with or where I am, is an amazing thing.
Anyway, in summary……
I’m doing good and the pain is dwindling. I’m stealing a few moments of peace and quiet for myself this morning. I’m learning to appreciate the magic of silence and I feel like I’m moving forward on my journey towards personal growth.
Have a great day folks. Take some time for yourself, you deserve it.