I had a really early start to my day and it was totally worth it. Sometimes I need some motivation to get up earlier than I would otherwise, but I’m always glad I did. I want to start my days eariler whenever I can. That’s a goal going forward.
The school year has officially begun and we got off without a hitch. Both boys are masked and vaccinated. Please do the same as soon as it becomes available. Let’s keep each other and our families safe.

Starting a new school year isn’t nearly as stressful as it once was but that doesn’t mean it’s stress free, because it’s not.
As the kids have gotten older and gained more independence, I don’t need to be as heavily involved as I once was. It’s kind of bittersweet for me but I also feel really proud of them because they’re such functional, independent, not so little humans now.
There are still things I need to manage but I’m fine with that. It’s my job right?
One of the big things in person learning is allowing me to do is focus on work. It’s been such a challenge to balance everything when the kids are always home. I’m constantly interrupted and makes getting things done so much harder. Now I take the kids to school, workout on the way home (or before I take them), come home, and have a quiet house to work in. I’m so looking forward to that. It’s going to be an adjustment but I’ll definitely adjust and benefit greatly from these changes..
One of the others things I wanted to bring up today was reminding you all that the next couple of weeks may be a bit more challenging. As I’m sure you know, kids on the autism spectrum, often struggle with changes to routine, and lack of structure. It’s going to take some time for everyone to adjust and for a new routine to be successfully established.
That said, as special needs parents or parents in general, we deal with stuff like this all the time. I know it can be frustrating but you totally got this.
Be patient with your kids and yourself during this time. Reach out if I can help or you need to talk. ☺
Thanks, I really needed this reminder to be patient after a rough start trying to drop my eldest at school. It’s so tough seeing them so upset and anxious at the slightest change or worry. Glad your boys school year started well. Encouraging to know it improves in time.
You’re so welcome. I wrote this cause I needed to remind myself as well. You got this… ☺