It’s been a great day so far. Gavin is out spending time with my Mom and the boys are doing awesome. I’ve been working for most of the day and that’s gone amazingly well.
I had two meetings today and both went really well. I’m exploring a new partnership having to do with men’s health and that looks to be a really good business opportunity. At the same time, I’m all about raising awareness for things and men’s health is important.
The house has been quiet with Gavin gone and it’s kinda like a look at what life might be like when he moves out on his own. He’s having a great time with his grandma and while I’m not sure what they’re doing, I am absolutely certain that I’ll hear all about it tonight.

I’m going to workout shortly and after that, I think we’ll spend some time straightening up the house before our movie night.
I’ve decided that I’m going to pull from my contractor roots a bit and treat the house like I used to treat all the new construction houses I used to work on. I’m going to go around the house and put blue tape on all the areas (walls) that need patched up, prior to painting. Then I’m going to go through and do the repairs, caulking, and drywall work.
The house is well over a century old and so it’s never going to be perfect. At the same time, this house has so much character and I want to bring that out a bit more. Most of the repairs are just minor drywall touch ups from wall hangings or years of the kids banging things into the walls. Nothing major but I actually miss doing this kind of work and I’m excited to get started in the coming weeks and months.
Something else I’m going to be doing is expanding on the types of things I review on this site. I have traditionally focused on tech and things that are specifically geared to the special needs community. I turn down so many opportunities because I just didn’t want to stray too far from the path I’d set before myself.
I’ve decided to start embracing some of these opportunities and parhaps start working with companies that focus on home decor, furniture, and things for around the house/yard. Rather than turn these opportunities down, I’m going to take them on and expand upon the things I do here. I think that’s important.
Moving myself and my kids forward in life is a primary focus for me right now. If I want to be successful longterm, I need to branch out a little bit and there’s no reason why a Dad can’t take on some of this stuff. In fact, I think it would be a pretty cool experience because I have a great deal of insight and perspective that could be beneficial.
So yeah. It’s been a great day. I’m focused on building the best future I can, while making amazing memories with those I care about along the way. Life is far too short. I intend to live my best life, do right by my kids, and help as many people as I can by sharing my experiences.
In this moment though, I need to hit the gym. I’ll catch you guys later.
It’s amazing how far you and the boys have come since I first started following you. A question…..when you go to the gym are the boys able to be home by themselves?