Today has been really upsetting and emotionally overwhelming for the boys. As a an adult, I found myself overwhelmed also, so I can only imagine how the boys feel. I was texting with a friend this evening and that helped me quite a bit actually because it was a pleasant distraction from everything that was going on. I realized the boys both needed and deserved a distraction of their own.
I wanted to be able to help the boys to decompress and move forward so we had an impromptu bonfire tonight. We just cooked hotdogs but they were surprised and really excited to do that.

I also decided to move some meetings around and give all of us a much needed a mental health day. I’m taking the kids to Cook Forest State Park, in Clarion PA for the afternoon. We’re going to leave after breakfast and be home before dinner because I have to get the car worked on in the evening.
My parents rented a cabin out there and we’re just going to stop by for a few hours before making the two hour drive back to Ohio. The kids are super excited and I think it will do us all some good. I really love road trips with the kids. We drove to Orlando last year and while this is a much shorter trip, it will be good to be able to have some time away.

This is just going to be a day trip but it’s our first real outing since COVID.
The other reason I’m doing this is because Elliott and Emmett will be receiving their first dose of the COVID vaccine at Akron Children’s Hospital on Friday. While I know they will be fine, they’re a little nervous. They definitely want the vaccine but could also use the distraction so they don’t have to think about it for a little while.
I’m pretty sure we will be off the grid while we’re there. There’s no cell reception in the mountains and honestly, that’s okay. We don’t disconnect nearly enough and some time in woods will be a positive thing.
Elliott is really excited to get some more pictures and build his portfolio.
Cook Forest is such a beautiful place and we haven’t been there in a little while. I’m really excited to make this simple but important trip happen.
So in one day you’re going to make sure A) the kids miss yet another day of school, proving them them that education isn’t important B) take your drama and hard day to your parents VACATION doorstep C) dump your car on your brother to make sure he doesn’t get to have dinner with his family tonight. You’re a gem, Rob. Nice way to make sure that you’re the most important person in the universe.
Rob… A super big THANK YOU to you & the boys for taking us up on our offer to come out for a visit today. It may have only been a few hours, but we were quite excited to have you all here and thoroughly enjoyed our time together with all of you. You helped to make our anniversary celebration even more special. Safe travels home. We love you all, Mom & Dad
It’s good you all can do something that seems normal!