I got lost in the day yesterday and forgot to update everyone in how Fergus’s appointment went. This will be super quick because there’s not much to tell.
Basically, he’s about 6 months old and not really underweight but needs to eat more. We’re bumping him up to at least 2 cups of puppy chow for the next few months. Then we switch to adult food. He’s clear of heartworms and got all his needed shots.
The only problem is that he has a UTI. It’s not like super bad but it’s bad enough. We had no idea but he’s now on antibiotics to clear that up. Apparently, we have to keep that area groomed in order to prevent future occurrences. I’m not sure how we’re supposed to know if he has an infection because he showed zero signs and I feel really bad that we didn’t pick up on it.

Anyway, I feel like we got away pretty cheap, especially with all the flea and heartworm preventatives. Emmett went with me to contain Fergus while I was driving. He actually travels better than Ruby does.
Ruby just barks and whines the entire time. Fergus just chills in the bag on a blanket. I can totally deal with that. I’m probably going to have to invest in seat coverings for the leather at some point soon.
It’s was super quick and painless. No one is allowed in the office so they come out to the car and pick up the animals and bring them back when they’re done.
He goes back towards the end of the summer to get neutered but that’s a little ways down the line.
We’re making progress with him on crate training and he’s spending more and more time out of the crate, without any major problems. I suppose the timing is apropos because we’re home during the day and he needs that in order to be trained.
I’m going to chuck this one into the victory barrel and count it as win.