It’s been a rough four or five days but I’ve felt great all day today. By great I mean, not sick. I’m still tired and dealing with some insomnia but I didn’t feel sick. I think I’m finally on the other side of this and while I wouldn’t do this for shits and giggles, because it sucked, I would absolutely take the vaccine again, even knowing it would kick my ass three weeks later.
I was kind of in a fog for some of this and I don’t remember everything but I know without question, that I would do it all again if it were necessary.
I had a really good day. I was able to get some writing done and that’s awesome. I don’t mean nonsensical stuff like this but actually something meaningful. I’m kinda proud of myself.
I talked about letting things go today. It’s one post back if you want to read it. I feel lighter after having put all of that into words. I’m proud of myself for stepping outside of my comfort zone and clicking publish.

This evening I found myself challenged to step outside of my comfort zone again and navigate something in a completely new way, at least for me. Was it uncomfortable at first? Um..yeah, yeah it was. Am I glad that I had the experience? Um..yeah, yeah I am. It’s kinda hard to grow if I stay safe inside my comfort zone.
It’s not easy to let go and take that first step outside your comfy little bubble but it can be a really good thing.
Anyway, I’m going to place Monday, squarely in the win column. It was a win for a couple of reasons and I guess the reasons don’t really matter. All that matters is that I had a good day. I have no idea what to expect from tomorrow. What I do know is that tomorrow doesn’t scare me. I feel like I can deal with whatever gets thrown at me.