This is one of those posts that took a shameful amount of time to finish. Better late than never but this was supposed go out Monday night and it’s currently Wednesday morning.
I had to take Emmett to urgent care this morning because his foot was still in a lot of pain. I don’t have a problem with telling he needs to play through the pain, as long as I know for certain, he’s not going to worsen an injury. We went for x-rays and thankfully, nothing is broken. He has to use crutches for about a week but is already doing better. He’s able to finally put some weight on his foot and the doctor said to keep trying to do that. Progress is progress.

That kept Emmett out of school today but I have a doctor’s note, so it’s cool.
The boys went to their mom and grandparents for a little while today. It was their grandma’s birthday and I dropped them off so they could celebrate with them.
I came home and was just feeling kinda down. No specific reason, I was having a bit of a rough day and the house was too quiet. I know that sounds crazy but it was basically dead time and I’m trying to avoid dead time right now.
When I keep myself distracted, I’m actually doing really well. Dead time allows for thoughts to take over and I end up thinking about things that I’m trying not to think about.
After dinner my mom called to check on Emmett. We ended up meeting and going for a walk.
I haven’t gone walking with my mom for well over a year. First it was her knee replacement and then COVID. We’re all fully vaccinated now so I jumped at the chance to go spend some time with her. I’m very lucky to have such an amazing mother and I missed our long walks and deep conversations.
We ended up going further than we had planned and by the time we were done, we’d walked 4.5 miles. We spent the whole time talking and it was so nice to have someone to talk to. I’ve had a lot on my mind lately and talking to my mom always helps me to figure these things out.
I haven’t had any grand epiphanies but I feel so much better after talking to her. We’re planning on doing this on a more regular basis and I for one am really excited. I will never again take things like this for granted. COVID changed my perspective on so many things and I just look at life differently now.
Anyway, the kids had fun at their grandparents. They brought me a piece of cake and I totally ate it. I haven’t had anything like that in awhile. I had ice cream a weekend or two ago but nothing since then. I’m working to avoid unnecessary carbs and it’s changed my life. I had some help figuring that out and I will always be grateful for that.
Emmett’s crashing with me tonight because he can’t climb onto the top bunk with his foot. Hopefully, he’ll be able to sleep so I can get some needed sleep as well.