The boys and I have had a pretty good couple of days. We had some frustrating moments and Gavin is struggling a bit, especially in the problem solving department. It’s getting to be frustrating for me because the need to address these struggles he’s having is becoming more and more important. With Gavin wanting to move out, we need work on these things so he can better interact with whomever he’s living with.
As frustrating as those moments have been, they haven’t defined out week.
The back half of the week was a bit more eventful than we had planned for. We had a surprise immunology appointment for Gavin. His doctor wanted to do a televisit before refilling some of his meds. It was very last minute but I was able to squeeze in the appointment before my first interview on Friday afternoon.
Everything went fine and Gavin got his refills. She is sending out an order for lab work because she wants to check his COVID related antibodies to make sure he’s good. She wants us to wait until a week before Easter to get the labs done so he has a chance to have a full immuno response.or something to that effect. I’m anxious to see how he does.
We lost our printer this week. The printer stopped detecting the second paper tray and wouldn’t switch over to the first one. You never realize how much you need a printer until it stops working. We lucked out because it turned out that we had two days left on our warranty at Best Buy. We totally lucked out on this because it’s an expensive printer and I wasn’t in a place to replace it out of pocket.
I need it for work and the boys need it for school. I reached out to Lizze and asked if they would be willing to get it exchanged for me. They were happy to do it and when they stopped by to pick up the printer from our house, they did a drive by hugging with he boys. Everyone was double masked and outside. The boys got to hug their mom and grandma. It’s such a positive few moments but I can’t wait until we can reestablish a more consistent visitation. Once we’re all vaccinated, Lizze and I are going to reevaluate our current plan.
Friday night was another guys night for the boys and I. We ordered our usual and current favorite pizza from our friends at Zepps, and watched the new Tom and Jerry movie. The boys have become obsessed with Tom and Jerry cartoons lately. I have no idea where that came from. Elliott was telling me that he grew up watching Tom and Jerry.

I love this pizza place because I call, and they ask me if I want the usual. I order it, drive to their location, back in and pop the trunk. I never have any contact with them and it works out great. The boys and I had a fantastic evening and the Tom and Jerry movie is actually really good. It’s currently streaming on HBO Max. I totally recommend it.
Today, we had a quiet day and after our groceries were delivered, we went to the park for a little while and walked around the garden center. We got there at a really good time because there weren’t many people there. After about 30 minutes, people started showing up. Not a single person wore a mask and we left. Just an FYI, it’s more important than ever to be wearing a mask and social distancing. The new variants are significantly more dangerous and way more contagious than the strain we’ve been struggling with for the last year. Wear a mask, it matters.
Anyway, I think that brings us current. I’m hoping for a quiet rest of the weekend. We don’t have any plans but if the weather is decent, I want to wash and wax the car. This is the first month I’m allowed to do that because enough time has passed since it was repainted. I’m looking forward to that. ☺
If you haven’t done so already, check out my latest episode of the podcast. We talk about how COVID is delaying the diagnosis process, as well as some concerns as we begin to think about transitioning our kids back to the classroom, hopefully this Fall. You can listen here or wherever you get your podcasts.