The nomadiQ Ultimate Lightweight Portable Propane Grill (Review)

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  • Reading time:11 mins read
  • Post last modified:January 30, 2021

I get review items in all the time but every once in awhile, something like the nomadiQ grill comes in that I’m super excited about. This is one such item and while there’s really no direct tie to special needs parenting, it’s nonetheless very useful.

So let’s just jump in with both feet.

About 2 weeks ago, I received a interesting looking package and it turned out to be a portable propane grill from nomadiQ. Considering we haven’t had a working grill for most of COVID lockdown, this was really exciting. I had my doubts about this little grill because it costs about $300 and I was concerned that it just wouldn’t work as well as I was hoping it would.

The grill is extremely well built and out of the box, it runs on 1lb disposable propane canisters but can easily be converted to use 15lb tanks. Considering I didn’t have any propane at all, I quickly ordered a few 1lb canisters on Instacart and they were delivered within 24 hours. The canisters are about $3 each and since I had no idea how long one would last, I ordered 4.

  • nomadiQ

The first thing I noticed after unpacking this nomadiQ Ultimate Lightweight Portable Propane Grill is how well built it is. I can’t say that enough. I didn’t expect to be this impressed. There’s some weight to it but it’s not heavy. I feels premium and solid, which I’m a big fan of. The package also includes everything you need to get started, with the exception of the actual propane (for obvious reasons).

Spec Sheet

The nomadiQ grill folds up into a state that makes it incredibly easy to both carry and store when not in use. To use the grill, you have to swing out the feet from the bottom and pull the 2 knobs and lock them in place. Then you simply lift the grill up by the handles and it opens up. It’s sorta like butterfly wings. That’s what the kids pointed out anyway. Once the grill is open, you can screw on the gas line. Since there are 2 burners, one on each side, there are two gas inlets. Once those are secured into place, you attach the propane tank and that’s pretty much it. When you’re ready to light the grill, you turn the burner knobs, press the electronic ignitor and wallah. The whole setup takes less than a minute and it’s super easy.

Hopefully it goes without saying that this is not to be used indoors and we didn’t actually attach the propane tank until we were safely outside.

We immediately wanted to test this out so we put on our winter coats because it was 15 F. We grabbed some burgers, chicken, turkey sausage, and hotdogs. I lit the grill and everything cooked quickly. I was a bit concerned that due to the cold temperatures and the fact that there isn’t a lid to help contain the heat, it would take forever to cook. Turns out I had nothing to worry about and everything seemed to cook just as fast as if this were a full sized propane grill. I honestly wasn’t expecting that.

The inside of the grill has a hole on each side to allow for grease to drain into the removable grease traps on either side of the grill.

I was able to teach Emmett, my youngest, how to safely use this and he finished cooking everything himself. I just supervised for safety reasons. When we were done, I shut off the burners, let it cool down before disconnecting he propane and bringing the grill back inside.

  • nomadiQ

Cleanup was a breeze because the grates come right off and I was able to wash them in the sink. I wiped out the inside of the grill, packed it back up and put it away. I also received the really nice storage cover to protect the grill from damage. That’s an optional accessory, should you want to pick that up as well.

I don’t really know what else to say other than the nomadiQ Ultimate Lightweight Portable Propane Grill is amazing. It works. It works well and it’s perfect for taking on the road. I can see this being perfect for tailgating if COVID weren’t a thing right now. It would be great for people in apartments because it’s a big space saver. It’s also super convenient for people who don’t want a large grill sitting outside all year round. You can pull this out when you need it and put it in a closet or something when you’re done. One of the things that I really like about it is that by the nature of its design, it’s ideal for teaching kids how to cook on the grill. Obviously, there needs to be supervision where necessary but what an amazing thing to be able to do with your kids.


The nomadiQ costs about $300 and comes with a 5 year warranty, which you can read more about below.

If you’re interested in learning more about the nomadiQ Ultimate Lightweight Portable Propane Grill, click the button for more information. I do not currently have any affiliate relationship with this company.

I’m very aware that for $300 you can get a full sized propane grill. Why in the world would anyone pay that for something so small? The answer is pretty straightforward. People are snapping this thing up because of it’s size and the fact that it functions like any other propane grill. The nomadiQ Ultimate Lightweight Portable Propane Grill packs pretty much everything you need in a full sized grill into a tiny, well built and very portable package.

One of the reasons this is appealing to me is that I would be concerned about putting a full sized grill outside where we live, for fear of it being stolen. For a family of 4, we were able to cook everything we needed at one time without any issues. When I’m done using it, I safely store the propane and put the grill away in the kitchen closet. To me, I’m getting the same usage out of this as I would a bigger one, with the added benefit of it being very portable. This is perfect for my family’s needs and perhaps it would be for yours as well. Something else the kids and I thought about was taking this to the park and having a picnic when it’s safe to do so. Where we live, many of the parks have an area with tables where you can cookout. That might be fun.

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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