I wanted to share a couple of updates that are actually quite positive for a change. For those who don’t know, Gavin’s absolute favorite snack in the entire world is Little Debbie Swiss Rolls. They’re simply his thing and have been for as long as I can remember.

For his 21st birthday, I wanted to surprise him with a whole bunch of Swiss Rolls. I ordered a case on Amazon and it finally showed up. There’s about 100 Swiss Rolls and he was in heaven. 😂
Being the sweetheart that he is, he wanted to share with his brothers and gave them each a box. He wanted to give them more but I limited it to one box each because I really want this to be for Gavin.
Before the judgmental comments about how terrible I am for doing this for him, it’s important to understand the strick routine that Gavin follows with his Swiss Rolls.
For years, I’ve been getting these for him when I go shopping. Gavin has exactly 1 package containing 2 Swiss Rolls per day. He always has them with his lunch and never outside of that. These will last him quite some time. ☺
Continuing the trend of good news, I was able to get the basement drain cleaned out today. They wore masks and were here for less than 30 minutes. Apparently, the cats have been making deposits into the drain. He found a large ball pit ball, a few Nerf darts, some Nerf Rival rounds and a few other random things crammed a few feet into the drain line. It’s a little frustrating but at least it’s fixed and was able to get a cover for it so this doesn’t happen again.
Finally, we get to the last bit of positive news.
After 3 seasons of trying to figure out the cover art for my podcast, I finally settled on one. This will be the standard cover art for the show and I’ll create new media for each guest to promo the episode on social media.

I feel pretty good about this and I’m really happy with the outcome. I wanted to keep it simple, yet eye catching.
I’ve decided on a release date as well and that will be February 5th. I’m excited to get this out there for you folks. Until then, you can get caught up at listen.theautismdad.com.