In the spirit of trying to get back into writing more, I wanted to share some positive news tonight.
First and foremost, the best thing that happened today is that Gavin’s IVIG Infusion went well. I think that he will probably feel little more confident on Monday and perhaps he’ll be able to get through his infusion a bit easier.
Great job Gavin.

In other Gavin news, his birthday present that wasn’t supposed to arrive until next month, showed up today. He was super excited and now he only has one more item currently in shipping. It’s something for him to look forward to.
Elliott and Emmett are both caught up and current in regards to school. That’s so amazing and I’m so proud of them. I know how difficult remote learning is and I wish it could be different but they’re doing really well, despite the challenge.
I was able to get a few jobs done and invoiced today. That’s always a good thing. I ordered groceries for tomorrow and I think the kids and I will have a little cookout. I mentioned in a previous post that I’m reviewing a ton of new products. One of them is a portable propane grill. We tried it out the other night with hotdogs but I want to try some burgers and chicken as well. Emmett really likes it and it’s perfect for helping him learn to safely grill food.
It’s fucking cold outside but we’re excited to use this anyway.
I was able to finish up all the recordings for the first episode of season 4. I still have a few ads to record but the core content is done. I feel pretty good about that. I’m about five weeks out in regards to interviews and that’s a great start.
It’s been a pretty awesome day and I’m stoked about continuing to move forward tomorrow. For the moment, I’m gonna crash because I’m really tired and need to get some sleep. Ruby keeps staring at me because she’s a bit annoyed that I haven’t turned off the lights and gotten under the covers so she can settle in for the night. I better go. 😂
Happy birthday Gavin! BTW, my husband got the first vaccination shot a couple days ago. He is 71 and they are vaccinating people over 65. You might want to register with your local health department because county health depts in Ohio are doing the vaccinations. I know you all are farther down the list.