It’s been an interesting weekend thus far. The boys came home yesterday from a visit with their Mom. They all had a great time and I’m so glad we were able to get this safely worked out.
There was some transition challenges but it’s a small price to pay for everyone to get a chance to be together.
We managed to get through all those challenges and have settled into Gavin’s birthday weekend. He turns 21 on Monday and while I’m in disbelief at the amount of time that has passed, it’s an amazing moment.
We’re going to spread out the celebration over the next few days. We had his birthday dinner tonight, which was his favorite Chinese takeout. I had talked it over with the boys and they decided they were going to bake Gavin a cake on Sunday. Elliott’s going to bake one of his double layer cakes and Emmett is going to bake sugar cookies.
I have ordered groceries and all the ingredients will be delivered tomorrow afternoon.
The kids are excited and so is Gavin. His birthday gift is on order but won’t arrive until the first week of February but he’s totally cool with that.
On Monday, Lizze is going to drop off a cake for him. This way he can sorta celebrate with his mom and extended family, at least in spirit. The timing works out perfectly.
In other news, Gavin still hasn’t received his IVIG Infusion supplies. I fixed the problem and the script has been sent in and everything should be on order right now. This is a specialty medication and so it takes a bit of time to order, receive and get out for delivery. This is why any little hiccup in his deliveries can be really stressful.
Hopefully, that will all be resolved on Monday.
It was just me and Ruby for two whole days. The quiet was nice but I very quickly began to miss the kids.

I enjoyed my short break and while I didn’t accomplish much, I did rest and I recorded my first interview for season 4. I was a little rusty and out of practice but it was a great conversation. I’m not quite sure when the first episode will drop but I’m looking at sometime in February.
It feels good getting back to work but my laptop is giving me some more problems and that makes it a bit more challenging. We’ll just take it one episode at a time and see how long I can make this work.
There’s no real way to professionally edit audio on Android devices. It’s moments like this that I miss my iPad because I could make that work. Anyway, it’s all good and I’m looking forward to getting this going.
The boys are having a guys night and I gave them some space. I don’t like to go to sleep while they’re downstairs, especially at night. I’m using the time productively and getting some work down. Sleep is calling me so I will need to get them in bed soon.
That’s so nice that Gavin is getting so many cakes and treats, and since Lizze has been quarantined she and her mom can come in and have cake with the birthday boy. What a great way for Gavin to celebrate such a special birthday!
Yeah, no one is coming in. They just spent time together and I have no idea whether anyone is still quarantining. I don’t bring anyone into the house. The only person who’s been in the house in the last 12 months has been the HVAC guy to fix our furnace. They are dropping a cake off for him and that’s really nice. Once the pandemic is over, we’ll get back to doing things like that. Until then, we’ve decided to keep this house free from any possible infection, especially since Gavin’s missed his last 2 IVIG Infusions. If it weren’t for COVID, we could definitely do this though.