It’s been a few days folks and I apologize for that. Ohio is worse than it’s ever been in regards to COVID and we’re clocking over 4,000 cases a day now. It’s really stressful trying to manage this alone but it has to get done. I’m fucking exhausted but holding on for now.
I’m working on making sure we have enough basic supplies to last us a little while. No, I’m not talking about hoarding. I’m simply making sure we have what we need to make it through a very challenging winter.

I’ve been working as much as I can but to be completely honest, it’s difficult to focus right now. For the most part, I make my own hours but some jobs have deadlines. The rest of the time I simply don’t make much if I don’t put the effort in. Either way, I’m very lucky to have what I do.
I’m recording the final two episodes of season 3 over the next week or so and then it’s done. All I have left to do is post work and that’s it. At some point, I’ll begin recording for season 4 but that will be after Thanksgiving.
With Season 4, I’m going to put a focus on new sponsorships, so I can improve my family’s situation and get us closer to moving to a better neighborhood. That’s a bit down the road. Right now we need to survive the present.
Speaking of surviving the present, remote learning is presenting some significant challenges. I just sat through a parent meeting yesterday on Zoom. The principal had a parent meeting because most, if not all the kids in the school are seriously struggling with their grades. They wanted to talk about some changes they were going to make in order to help our kids through this. This only applies to Emmett because Elliott’s in the high school.
They’ve decided to change their schedules in order to have more time with their teachers.
Currently, Emmett goes to class Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8:30 to 10:30 am. They’ve decided to move to Monday thru Thursday, 8:30 am to 11:30 am. That amounts to almost double the time. This will also sync up with Elliott’s schedule a little better and they will both have three day weekends.
This begins on Monday and it’s gonna be challenging. Kids on the spectrum do not like change and Emmett is no exception. We had just settled into this current schedule and now we have to change it again.
He’s already stressing out over the change and I imagine many of the other parents are in a similar boat. I’m hoping this ultimately proves to be a positive change but it’s gonna take some time to get there.
In other news, the physical repairs have been completed on the car and it was getting repainted on Monday. All that’s left is to put it back together and as I understand it, half a day or so of buffing or polishing. It was supposed to be done by Wednesday but apparently it wasn’t. Hopefully, I’ll get it back today.
I’m not in a real hurry either way because we’ve got nowhere to go right now.
As I’m writing this, it’s about 1am Friday morning and I’m unable to sleep because I’m watching the fucking election. This is so stressful and it’s seemingly endless.
I’m also using this time to put together a grocery list so we have food as we go into the weekend. If I can get this done quickly, it will be delivered today, so I’m going to cut this short and focus on that for now.
Hang in there everyone…
Hopefully the election will finally bring an end to the past four year nightmare reality show and we can at least get back to adult reasoning in the White House.
Yes, stuff is stressful. If Biden was declared president that would mean one less thing.