We’ve got another week of quarantine ahead of us and I’m super excited about that. I’m definitely not excited. We actually have until a vaccine and established herd immunity left of quarantine. The reason I say one week is because I’m taking it one week at a time. Baby steps or I’ll end up losing my mind.
I’ve got a couple of interviews this week and that will round out the 40 episodes I planned for season 3.
I will have five episodes in post and will release those over the next five weeks before closing off the season 3.

The boys have a short week today because school will be closed on Tuesday for election day. I’m not entirely sure what that’s all about but I’m totally here for it because I encourage the kids to pay attention, learn the facts and have their own views.
We’re going to order dinner and settle in for a long night of watching the election results come in.
I’m hoping this will be the week I get my car back but I’m not holding my breath. It’s been several weeks now but with the amount of work going into it, it’s was estimated to be a three or four week time frame. Who knows. As long as it’s done correctly, I don’t much care.
I was texting with a friend last night and we were talking about how fucking stressful this week is going to be because of the election, threats of violence, and worsening pandemic. I’m on edge but hopeful everything will be okay.
I don’t foresee anything too dangerous happening locally but we’re going to be extra alert.
Lastly, Ruby has an appointment to get her teeth cleaned this week. Lizze and her mom are going to help out with that because of the no car thing. They’re going to pick her up and drop her off when it’s done. She’ll be gone most of the day because the procedure requires her to be put under.
Ruby’s teeth are pretty bad. They’re healthy but need cleaned in the worst way. I’m not sure why her teeth why she’s like this but once she gets caught up, I’m going to focus on keeping them that way. Hopefully, her bad breath will improve as well. LOL
Anyway, please stay safe. Things are getting really bad in regards to COVID and you have to take this seriously.
Oh man, we had all our cats teeth checked recently and there was a lot of teeth pulling…UGH.