A Ginormous Update

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  • Reading time:7 mins read
  • Post last modified:January 19, 2021

Alright folks, I’m playing catchup here and this will be a rather large update. So buckle up, it’s a couple pages.

First things first, I feel like we had a pretty decent weekend. The boys had a great visit with their mom and aside from a few hiccups with Gavin related behaviors, it seems like a very positive experience.

That’s awesome.

They adjusted to being home in short order and picked up life where they’d left off before their trip.

We spent some time working on the house. The boys want to bolster our security, as do I, because of all the recent shootings in our neighborhood. Just the other night, there were three woman shot while they were sitting on their front porch. I heard the shots but didn’t know the details.

Last night we heard gun shots again but I don’t know what they were attached to. I pulled the footage off the camera and you can hear, at least what sounds like gunshots.


The kids and the dog are experiencing a great deal of anxiety as a result of all the recent gun shots. For that matter, I’m experiencing a great deal of anxiety over this as well. Ruby just buries herself as far into the couch as she can get and just shakes. I can’t really help her but I can manage to keep the kids distracted, at least for a little while. They feel better until we hear more shots. It’s an endless cycle.

Yesterday, I had to call the fire department because it looked like a house was on fire down the street. Turns out it was a bunch of brush leading to an abandoned house,  apparently it was likely arson. I haven’t seen how much, if any of the house was burned. Our neighborhood was full of smoke and it smelled like a structure fire.

No one was hurt which is always good. People have been setting fire to vacant houses in the city. You may recall a few years back, someone torched the house across the street from us. One on the corner burned not long after that. It’s definitely a problem.

I almost forgot the guy that set his girlfriends car on fire while she was inside. She was very lucky to have escaped without serious injury. That was four houses down and my kids and I witnessed that one briefly because we were throwing the football in the yard. I got them back into the house and called 9-11 for that as well.

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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