I took the kids hiking today. We found a new trail, where we don’t run into anyone else, which is why we don’t have masks on in the picture. We had our masks with us in case we came across other humans but we didn’t.
The kids are going to see their mom this week and I don’t think they could be any more excited. Assuming everyone is still healthy, the kids will go to school on Wednesday and I’ll drop them off around 2pm.
I have absolutely nothing planned for my time while the kids are gone. It would be ideal for me to have a list of things I want to accomplish but the reality is that I don’t get breaks very often right now. The kids will over be gone for two nights and I think the best thing I can do is just chill.

In all likelihood, I’ll order Chipotle at least once and reacquaint myself with sleep. I haven’t had a sleep score over 30 in a week and while that probably doesn’t mean anything, I want it back up into the 80’s. It’s sort of a challenge I’m taking on.
The point is that I really need to use this time to recoup as best I can. I don’t get time to myself and I don’t even remember what personal space is. If there wasn’t a pandemic, I’d visit family and even consider going out or maybe begin to start thinking about dating again. I mean, it’s been over a year and it be nice to meet new people.
I will, however, workout and maybe continue working on my room.
Anyway, the boys will still have school Thursday and Friday. They’ll still need to log in and go to class but this is by design. We chose these days on purpose because it gives Lizze a chance to take part in their education and that’s important to her. It’ll work out well for everyone.
Hopefully, I can survive the next three days of my kids counting the minutes until they go over.
In all seriousness, I’m excited for them to reconnect. We have seen them periodically but it’s not the same.
Sometimes we stop by and visit on the way home from Quail Hollow. We stay in the car, roll the windows down and the kids can chat with Lizze and her mom in person but from a safe distance.
Like I said, it’s not the same because they can’t hug her and she can’t hug them. I’m just trying to make happen whatever I can make happen.
This should be a good week.
Get some great rest and you me time to chill Rob. You deserve it.