Finding something positive in the remote learning chaos

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  • Reading time:4 mins read
  • Post last modified:September 16, 2020

There are a million reasons why this school year is a nightmare for so many students and families. Parents are struggling to find balance and that included me. I don’t see how kids are going to receive the quality education they both need and deserve. That being said, remote and distance learning are necessary evils, for lack of a better term. COVID19 is very dangerous and we’re taking this on in order to keep our kids safe, while protecting our teachers and school staff.

I get why everyone is frustrated because I’m frustrated, as are my kids. I understand the sacrifice that many parents have to make in order for this to even have a chance of working.

I’m not independently wealthy by any stretch of the imagination and I live paycheck to paycheck just like many of you. The one advantage that I do have is that I’ve been struggling to work from home for about a decade now so I’m used to it. Many people are facing this challenge for the first time, while trying to manage their child’s at home education. It’s overwhelming to say the least.

Look, I’m completely overwhelmed by all of this myself and I’m trying to find the positives. Sometimes that’s easier said than done but I recognize the importance of doing so.

I encourage everyone to find something positive about this experience. I know you may have to look closely but there’s always something.

For me personally, I really appreciate the opportunity I have to experience my kids learning. I’ve always been hands on but I feel like now I have more of a direct impact on their education. More than that, I get to help them explore the things that interest them.

There is extra time that we need to fill with learning opportunities and while that often interferes with work, I get to capture moments like these.

Elliott has a passion for photography and he takes amazing pictures. He has a way of seeing things that is absolutely beautiful and because of remote learning, we have time to explore this passion.

Check out some of these pictures he took yesterday while on our educational hike.

He’s taking these with his One Plus 7 Pro.

If I have to find something positive in all this chaos, I will put helping Elliott explore his passion for photography in the silver linings column. He could grow up to work for National Geographic. He’s 14 years old and is already this good.

If I foster this passion and help him gain more experience, he could be very dangerous with a camera.

I absolutely love viewing his pictures because it let’s me see the world from his perspective.

I know remote learning itself has been a nightmare, especially for the autism and special needs community. That said, I hope you can find something positive along the way.

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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